Timeline of classical mechanics

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The following is a timeline of classical mechanics:


Early mechanics

  • 6th century - John Philoponus introduces the concept of impetus[3]
  • 6th century - John Philoponus says that by observation, two balls of very different weights will fall at nearly the same speed. He therefore tests the equivalence principle
  • 1021 - Al-Biruni uses three orthogonal coordinates to describe point in space[4]
  • 1100-1138 - Avempace develops the concept of a fatigue, which according to Shlomo Pines is precursor to Leibnizian idea of force[5]
  • 1100-1165 - Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Baghdaadi discovers that force is proportional to acceleration rather than speed, a fundamental law in classical mechanics[6]
  • 1340-1358 - Jean Buridan develops the theory of impetus
  • 14th century - Oxford Calculators and French collaborators prove the mean speed theorem
  • 14th century - Nicole Oresme derives the times-squared law for uniformly accelerated change.[7] Oresme, however, regarded this discovery as a purely intellectual exercise having no relevance to the description of any natural phenomena, and consequently failed to recognise any connection with the motion of accelerating bodies[8]
  • 1500-1528 - Al-Birjandi develops the theory of "circular inertia" to explain Earth's rotation[9]
  • 16th century - Francesco Beato and Luca Ghini experimentally contradict Aristotelian view on free fall.[10]
  • 16th century - Domingo de Soto suggests that bodies falling through a homogeneous medium are uniformly accelerated.[11][12] Soto, however, did not anticipate many of the qualifications and refinements contained in Galileo's theory of falling bodies. He did not, for instance, recognise, as Galileo did, that a body would fall with a strictly uniform acceleration only in a vacuum, and that it would otherwise eventually reach a uniform terminal velocity
  • 1581 - Galileo Galilei notices the timekeeping property of the pendulum
  • 1589 - Galileo Galilei uses balls rolling on inclined planes to show that different weights fall with the same acceleration
  • 1638 - Galileo Galilei publishes Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (which were materials science and kinematics) where he develops, amongst other things, Galilean transformation
  • 1644 - René Descartes suggests an early form of the law of conservation of momentum
  • 1645 - Ismaël Bullialdus argues that "gravity" weakens as the inverse square of the distance[13]
  • 1651 - Giovanni Battista Riccioli and Francesco Maria Grimaldi discover the Coriolis effect
  • 1658 - Christiaan Huygens experimentally discovers that balls placed anywhere inside an inverted cycloid reach the lowest point of the cycloid in the same time and thereby experimentally shows that the cycloid is the tautochrone
  • 1668 - John Wallis suggests the law of conservation of momentum
  • 1673 - Christiaan Huygens publishes his Horologium Oscillatorium. Huygens describes in this work the first two laws of motion.[14] The book is also the first modern treatise in which a physical problem (the accelerated motion of a falling body) is idealized by a set of parameters and then analyzed mathematically.
  • 1676-1689 - Gottfried Leibniz develops the concept of vis viva, a limited theory of conservation of energy
  • 1677 - Baruch Spinoza puts forward a primitive notion of Newton's first law

Newtonian mechanics

Analytical mechanics

Moderns developments


  1. Ossendrijver, Mathieu (29 Jan 2016). "Ancient Babylonian astronomers calculated Jupiter's position from the area under a time-velocity graph". Science 351 (6272): 482–484. doi:10.1126/science.aad8085. PMID 26823423. Bibcode2016Sci...351..482O. https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.aad8085. Retrieved 29 January 2016. 
  2. Sambursky, Samuel (2014). The Physical World of Late Antiquity. Princeton University Press. pp. 65–66. ISBN 9781400858989. https://books.google.com/books?id=Yvz_AwAAQBAJ&pg=PA65. 
  3. Sorabji, Richard (2010). "John Philoponus". Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science (2nd ed.). Institute of Classical Studies, University of London. p. 47. ISBN 978-1-905-67018-5. OCLC 878730683. 
  4. O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., "Al-Biruni", MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, University of St Andrews, http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Al-Biruni.html .:
    "One of the most important of al-Biruni's many texts is Shadows which he is thought to have written around 1021. [...] Shadows is an extremely important source for our knowledge of the history of mathematics, astronomy, and physics. It also contains important ideas such as the idea that acceleration is connected with non-uniform motion, using three rectangular coordinates to define a point in 3-space, and ideas that some see as anticipating the introduction of polar coordinates."
  5. Shlomo Pines (1964), "La dynamique d’Ibn Bajja", in Mélanges Alexandre Koyré, I, 442-468 [462, 468], Paris.
    (cf. Abel B. Franco (October 2003). "Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory", Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (4), p. 521-546 [543]: "Pines has also seen Avempace's idea of fatigue as a precursor to the Leibnizian idea of force which, according to him, underlies Newton's third law of motion and the concept of the "reaction" of forces.")
  6. Pines, Shlomo (1970). "Abu'l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī , Hibat Allah". Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 26–28. ISBN 0-684-10114-9. :
    (cf. Abel B. Franco (October 2003). "Avempace, Projectile Motion, and Impetus Theory", Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (4), p. 521-546 [528]: Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat al-Bagdadi (c.1080- after 1164/65) extrapolated the theory for the case of falling bodies in an original way in his Kitab al-Mu'tabar (The Book of that Which is Established through Personal Reflection). [...] This idea is, according to Pines, "the oldest negation of Aristotle's fundamental dynamic law [namely, that a constant force produces a uniform motion]," and is thus an "anticipation in a vague fashion of the fundamental law of classical mechanics [namely, that a force applied continuously produces acceleration].")
  7. Clagett (1968, p. 561), Nicole Oresme and the Medieval Geometry of Qualities and Motions; a treatise on the uniformity and difformity of intensities known as Tractatus de configurationibus qualitatum et motuum. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. ISBN:0-299-04880-2.
  8. Grant, 1996, p.103.
  9. F. Jamil Ragep (2001), "Tusi and Copernicus: The Earth's Motion in Context", Science in Context 14 (1-2), p. 145–163. Cambridge University Press .
  10. "Timeline of Classical Mechanics and Free Fall". http://www.scientus.org/timeline/classical-mechanics.html. 
  11. Sharratt, Michael (1994). Galileo: Decisive Innovator. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN:0-521-56671-1, p. 198
  12. Wallace, William A. (2004). Domingo de Soto and the Early Galileo. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. ISBN:0-86078-964-0 (pp. II 384, II 400, III 272)
  13. Ismail Bullialdus, Astronomia Philolaica … (Paris, France: Piget, 1645), page 23.
  14. Rob Iliffe & George E. Smith (2016). The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge University Press. p. 75. ISBN 9781107015463. 
  15. Hermann, J (1710). "Unknown title". Giornale de Letterati d'Italia 2: 447–467. 
    Hermann, J (1710). "Extrait d'une lettre de M. Herman à M. Bernoulli datée de Padoüe le 12. Juillet 1710". Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences 1732: 519–521. 
  16. Poinsot (1834) Theorie Nouvelle de la Rotation des Corps, Bachelier, Paris
  17. Poincaré, H. (January 1900). "Introduction". Acta Mathematica 13 (1-2): 5–7. doi:10.1007/BF02392506. ISSN 0001-5962. https://projecteuclid.org/journals/acta-mathematica/volume-13/issue-1-2/Introduction/10.1007/BF02392506.full. 
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Oestreicher, Christian (2007-09-30). "A history of chaos theory" (in en). Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 9 (3): 279–289. doi:10.31887/DCNS.2007.9.3/coestreicher. ISSN 1958-5969. PMID 17969865. PMC 3202497. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.31887/DCNS.2007.9.3/coestreicher. 
  19. Parker, E.N. (1954). "Tensor Virial Equations". Physical Review 96 (6): 1686–1689. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.96.1686. Bibcode1954PhRv...96.1686P. 
  20. V. I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Graduate Texts in Mathematics (Springer, New York, 1978), Vol. 60.