Biology:Kubitzki system
The Kubitzki system is a system of plant taxonomy devised by Klaus Kubitzki, and is the product of an ongoing survey of vascular plants, entitled The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, and extending to 15 volumes in 2018.[1] The survey, in the form of an encyclopedia, is important as a comprehensive, multivolume treatment of the vascular plants, with keys to and descriptions of all families and genera, mostly by specialists in those groups. The Kubitzki system served as the basis for classification in Mabberley's Plant-Book, a dictionary of the vascular plants.[2] Mabberley states, in his Introduction on page xi of the 2008 edition, that the Kubitzki system "has remained the standard to which other literature is compared". In ordinal and family arrangements, the classification system in the initial angiosperm volumes closely resembles the Dahlgren system in Monocots and the Cronquist system in Dicots, but later volumes have been influenced by recent molecular phylogenetic studies.
The first volume of the series (Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms) covered lycophytes, monilophytes, and gymnosperms, and was published in 1990. By 2010, there were nine published volumes, covering 39 of the 59 orders of flowering plants that are recognized in the APG III system. The order Saxifragales is covered except for the genus Medusandra, which was transferred to it from Malpighiales in 2009.[3] Volume 10 (2011) covers the family Myrtaceae and the orders Cucurbitales and Sapindales. Volume 11 was published in 2014, and two further volumes in 2015. Volumes 2, and 5–7 address dicotyledons, while volumes 3, 4 and 13 address monocotyledons. Volumes 8–12 and 14 deal with eudicots.
Because it is the result of a work in progress, the Kubitzki system is incomplete for those groups of plants that have not yet been covered, and groups that have been completely covered are not revised in light of subsequent knowledge. Since the first volume was published in 1990, a great deal has been learned about plant taxonomy, mostly by phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences. The classification of ferns has been completely overhauled in that time.[4][5] And some of the gymnosperm families have been revised.[6][7]
For the flowering plants, the later volumes of the Kubitzki System follows the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group last revised in 2009 (APG III system), except for the recognition of smaller families. (For a complete listing of all volumes, see Klaus Kubitzki)
- Pteridophyta
- Pinophyta
- subdivision Coniferophytina
- subdivision Cycadophytina
- Magnoliophyta
- class Monocotyledoneae
- class Dicotyledoneae
- 1 division Pteridophyta
- 1 class Psilotatae
- 2 class Lycopodiatae
- 3 class Equisetatae
- 4 class Filicatae
- Aspleniaceae
- Azollaceae
- Blechnaceae
- Cheiropleuriaceae
- Cyatheaceae
- Davalliaceae
- Dennstaedtiaceae
- Dicksoniaceae
- Dipteridaceae
- Dryopteridaceae
- Gleicheniaceae
- Grammitidaceae
- Hymenophyllaceae
- Hymenophyllopsidaceae
- Lomariopsidaceae
- Lophosoriaceae
- Loxsomataceae
- Marattiaceae
- Marsileaceae
- Matoniaceae
- Metaxyaceae
- Monachosoraceae
- Nephrolepidaceae
- Oleandraceae
- Ophioglossaceae
- Osmundaceae
- Plagiogyriaceae
- Polypodiaceae
- Pteridaceae
- Salviniaceae
- Schizaeaceae
- Thelypteridaceae
- Vittariaceae
- 2 division Pinophyta or Gymnospermae
- 1 subdivision Coniferophytina
- 1 class Ginkgoatae
- 2 class Pinatae
- 1 order Pinales
- Araucariaceae
- Pinaceae
- Sciadopityaceae
- Taxodiaceae
- Cupressaceae
- Phyllocladaceae
- Podocarpaceae
- 2 order Taxales
- 1 order Pinales
- 2 subdivision Cycadophytina
- 1 class Cycadatae
- order Cycadales
- Boweniaceae
- Cycadaceae
- Stangeriaceae
- Zamiaceae
- order Cycadales
- 2 class Gnetatae
- 1 class Cycadatae
- 3 division Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae
- subdivision Magnoliophytina
- 1 class Monocotyledoneae or Liliopsida [complete] (with Rolf Dahlgren's collaboration)
4 Superorders
- Acoranae
- Alismatanae
- Lilianae
- Commelinanae
- 1 superorder Acoranae
- Not included in any order
- 2 superorder Alismatanae
- 1 order Arales
- 2 order Alismatales
- 2 superorder Alismatanae
- 3 superorder Lilianae
- 1 order Liliales
- 2 order Asparagales
- Orchidaceae
- Iridaceae
- Doryanthaceae
- Lanariaceae
- Ixioliriaceae
- Hypoxidaceae
- Johnsoniaceae
- Hemerocallidaceae
- Tecophilaeaceae
- Blandfordiaceae
- Asteliaceae
- Boryaceae
- Asphodelaceae
- Xanthorrhoeaceae
- Aphyllanthaceae
- Anemarrhenaceae
- Amaryllidaceae
- Agapanthaceae
- Alliaceae
- Themidaceae
- Asparagaceae
- Hyacinthaceae
- Lomandraceae
- Herreriaceae
- Hostaceae
- Anthericaceae
- Agavaceae
- Eriospermaceae
- Ruscaceae
- Behniaceae
- Dracaenaceae
- Convallariaceae
- Nolinaceae
- 3 order Triuridales
- 4 order Dioscoreales
- 5 order Pandanales
- Pandanaceae
- Cyclanthaceae
- Velloziaceae
- Acanthochlamydaceae
- Stemonaceae
- Pentastemonaceae
- 3 superorder Lilianae
- 4 superorder Commelinanae
- 1 order Principes
- Palmae
- 2 order Dasypogonales
- 3 order Bromeliales
- Bromeliaceae
- ?Rapateaceae (see also Xyridales)
- 4 order Commelinales
- 5 order Xyridales
- 6 order Zingiberales
- Musaceae
- Strelitziaceae
- Lowiaceae
- Heliconiaceae
- Costaceae
- Zingiberaceae
- Cannaceae
- Marantaceae
- ?Hanguanaceae (possibly related to Zingiberales or Commelinales)
- 7 order Typhales
- 8 order Juncales
- 9 order Poales
- incertae sedis in monocots
- 1 order Principes
- 4 superorder Commelinanae
- 2 class Dicotyledoneae or Magnoliopsida [incomplete]
- 1 subclass Magnoliidae
- 1 superorder Magnolianae (lower magnoliids)
- 1 order Magnoliales
- 2 order Illiciales
- 3 order Aristolochiales
- 4 order Piperales
- 2 superorder Ranunculanae (higher magnoliids)
- 1 order Nelumbonales
- 2 order Ranunculales
- 3 superorder Nymphaeanae
- 4 superorder Caryophyllanae
- order Caryophyllales (including.:Centrospermae Eichler)
- Family with an asterisk: *, included in Expanded Caryophyllales in Volume V.
- Family with the sign +, only recognized in Volume V, but not in Volume II.
- Nepenthaceae *
- Droseraceae *
- Drosophyllaceae *
- Simmondsiaceae *
- Rhabdodendraceae *
- Asteropeiaceae *
- Physenaceae *
- Ancistrocladaceae *
- Dioncophyllaceae *
- Frankeniaceae *
- Tamaricaceae *
- clade Centrospermae
- Caryophyllaceae
- Molluginaceae
- Aizoaceae
- Amaranthaceae
- Chenopodiaceae
- Halophytaceae
- Stegnospermaceae
- Achatocarpaceae
- Phytolaccaceae
- Nyctaginaceae
- Cactaceae
- Portulacaceae
- Didiereaceae
- Basellaceae
- Hectorellaceae
- Barbeuiaceae +
- Sarcobataceae +
- Petiveriaceae +
- Agdestidaceae +
- order Caryophyllales (including.:Centrospermae Eichler)
- 5 superorder Hamamelidanae
- 1 order Trochodendrales
- 2 order Hamamelidales
- 3 order Fagales
- 4 order Juglandales
- Rhoipteleaceae
- Juglandaceae
- Myricaceae
- 5 order ?Casuarinales
- 6 superorder Polygonanae
- order Polygonales
- 7 superorder Plumbaginanae
- order Plumbaginales
- 8 superorder Malvanae
- order Malvales
- Neuradaceae
- Tepuianthaceae
- Thymelaeaceae
- Dipterocarpaceae
- Diegodendraceae
- Sphaerosepalaceae
- Cistaceae
- Sarcolaenaceae
- Bixaceae
- Cochlospermaceae
- Muntingiaceae
- Malvaceae
- order Malvales
- 1 superorder Magnolianae (lower magnoliids)
- 1 subclass Magnoliidae
- 2 class Dicotyledoneae or Magnoliopsida [incomplete]
In volumes 5,6,7,8 no groups above the taxonomic rank of order were recognized.
- Not placed in any order, but related to Capparales
- order Celastrales
- order Oxalidales
- order Rosales (# revised position, formerly in Urticales in Vol. 2)
- Rosaceae (including Guamatela)
- Dirachmaceae
- Rhamnaceae
- Barbeyaceae #
- Elaeagnaceae
- Ulmaceae #
- Moraceae #
- Cecropiaceae (including Cannabaceae) #
- Urticaceae #
- order Cornales
- order Ericales
- Theophrastaceae
- Samolaceae
- Maesaceae
- Myrsinaceae
- Primulaceae
- Actinidiaceae
- Balsaminaceae
- Marcgraviaceae
- Pellicieraceae
- Tetrameristaceae
- Ericaceae
- Clethraceae
- Cyrillaceae
- Roridulaceae
- Sarraceniaceae
- Diapensiaceae
- Lissocarpaceae
- Polemoniaceae
- Fouquieriaceae
- Scytopetalaceae
- Lecythidaceae
- Napoleonaeaceae
- Styracaceae
- Ebenaceae
- Sladeniaceae
- Theaceae
- Ternstroemiaceae
- Sapotaceae
- Symplocaceae
- order Lamiales
- Bignoniaceae
- Buddlejaceae
- Byblidaceae
- Callitrichaceae
- Carlemanniaceae
- Cyclocheilaceae
- Gesneriaceae
- Globulariaceae
- Hippuridaceae
- Labiatae
- Lentibulariaceae
- Martyniaceae
- Myoporaceae
- Nesogenaceae
- Oleaceae
- Pedaliaceae
- Phrymaceae
- Plantaginaceae
- Plocospermataceae
- Scrophulariaceae
- Stilbaceae
- Tetrachondraceae
- Trapellaceae
- Verbenaceae
- order Asterales
- Alseuosmiaceae
- Argophyllaceae
- Compositae or Asteraceae
- subfamily Barnadesioideae
- subfamily Mutisioideae
- subfamily Carduoideae
- subfamily Cichorioideae
- subfamily Asteroideae
- Calyceraceae
- Campanulaceae
- Carpodetaceae
- Goodeniaceae
- Menyanthaceae
- Pentaphragmataceae
- Phellinaceae
- Rousseaceae
- Stylidiaceae
In volume 9 the supraordinal groups Rosidae and Asteridae were recognized.
- Not included in any order
- Sabiaceae
- order Proteales
- Proteaceae
- Platanaceae (revised position, formerly in Hamamelidales in Vol. 2)
- Nelumbonales (revised position, formerly in Nelumbonales in Vol. 2)
- order Buxales
- order Gunnerales
- Gunneraceae
- Myrothamnaceae (revised position, formerly in Trochodendrales in Vol. 2)
- order Proteales
- Sabiaceae
- Not included in any order
- Dilleniaceae
- order Saxifragales
- Altingiaceae (newly recognized family, included in Hamamelidaceae in Vol. 2)
- Aphanopetalaceae
- Cercidiphyllaceae (revised position, formerly in Trochodendrales in Vol. 2)
- Crassulaceae
- Daphniphyllaceae
- Grossulariaceae
- Haloragaceae
- Hamamelidaceae (revised position, formerly in Hamamelidales in Vol. 2)
- Iteaceae
- Paeoniaceae
- Penthoraceae
- Peridiscaceae (except Medusandra)
- Pterostemonaceae
- Saxifragaceae
- Tetracarpaeaceae
- order Vitales
- order Zygophyllales
- order Saxifragales
- Dilleniaceae
- Not included in any order
- Huaceae
- order Geraniales
- order Crossosomatales (Guamatela placed in Rosaceae in volume 6)
- Aphloiaceae
- Crossosomataceae
- Geissolomataceae
- Ixerbaceae
- Stachyuraceae
- Staphyleaceae
- Strasburgeraceae
- Huaceae
- Not included in any order
- Not included in any order
In volume 10 are treated the Orders Sapindales and Cucurbitales; and the Myrtaceae Family (belonging to Myrtales).
See also
- Klaus Kubitzki
- ↑ Klaus Kubitzki (general editor). 1990 onward. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants Springer-Verlag: Berlin;Heidelberg, Germany.
- ↑ Mabberley, David J (2008). Mabberley's Plant-Book (3 ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-82071-4. Retrieved 8 January 2014.
- ↑ Kenneth J. Wurdack and Charles C. Davis. 2009. "Malpighiales phylogenetics: Gaining ground on one of the most recalcitrant clades in the angiosperm tree of life." American Journal of Botany 96(8):1551-1570.
- ↑ Eric Schuettpelz and Kathleen M. Pryer. 2008. "Fern phylogeny" pages 395-416. In: Tom A. Ranker and Christopher H. Haufler (editors). Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:978-0-521-87411-3
- ↑ Alan R. Smith, Kathleen M. Pryer, Eric Schuettpelz, Petra Korall, Harald Schneider, and Paul G. Wolf. 2006. "A classification for extant ferns". Taxon 55(3):705-731. doi:10.2307/25065646
- ↑ James E. Eckenwalder. 2009. Conifers of the World. Timber Press: Portland, OR, USA. ISBN:978-0-88192-974-4.
- ↑ Aljos Farjon. 2008. A Natural History of Conifers. Timber Press: Portland, OR, USA.
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